Céline Larivière-Loiselle
Vice-President Arts
B.Sc, M.Sc(c) Bioinformatics
Céline has bachelor’s degrees both in chemistry and physics (from Université Laval and Université de Sherbrooke). She did her master’s degree in physics at the CERVO brain research center where she worked in the field of neurophotonics. She is now pursuing her Ph.D. on this topic. She loves science communication and data visualization because they both require creativity and an artistic eye. Outside of academia, she is fond of the outdoors and enjoys long backpacking trips
SciComm Content Produced by Céline
Holographie et neurones : une histoire haute en couleur
A comics story about neurophotonics published at the Association Francophone Pour Le Savoir Magazine back in 2021
Lariviere-Loiselle, Celine. Holographie et Neurones: une histoire haute en couleur. ACFAS Magazine. Mai 2021. https://www.acfas.ca/publications/magazine/2021/05/laureate-concours-vulgarisation-2020-2021-lariviere-loiselle-holographie-neurones-histoire-haute-couleur