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Ryan Smith

Vice-President Publications

B.Sc, M.Sc., Ph.D.(c) in Computer Science

Ryan began his academic career by obtaining a bachelor’s in psychology from Marist College and then a master’s in social psychology from New York University. His research focused on the internet and its impact on conforming through anonymity. After completing his graduate studies, he backpacked Australia for a year and returned home where he worked for a marketing agency. Eventually, he began to shift back to academia after discovering that he didn’t enjoy the 9-5 office environment. Now he is working towards a PhD in computer science at The University of British Columbia where he focuses on data visualization. This shift in research interest was inspired by a trip to the museum where he saw an installation that used visualized data to explain a series of complex topics in a digestible manner. He is hoping to create similar visualizations as a means to further explain our complicated world as well as communicate interesting research streams to non-experts.

SciComm Content Produced by Ryan

Ryan joined our team very recently, so there’s not much to show yet…

We’re all excited to see the amazing science communication projects she will work on!

Orders of Magnitude


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